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 After the successful return to the Poble Espanyol during its last edition, Primavera Sound proposes a short cycle of live music under the name of “San Miguel presents Fly Me To The Moon". Two summer nights outdoors
enjoying a total of four concerts on a stage in the sqaure of the emblematic venue of the mountain of Montjuïc. The Wednesday 27th July centres around experimentation with the tropical and mutant pop of Animal Collective and the experimental electronic music of The Suicide Of Western Culture. The second night Thursday 28th July will have a more delicate aura with the precious folk of the elfish Joanna Newsom and the subtlety of the ever
more popular Beach House.


Pop of the future produced and performed live. In no more than a decade, Animal Collective have not only managed to open the doors to a new music panorama, but they have done so becoming one of the essential names in contemporary music. If albums like “Feels” already showed the great potential of the New York band when reinterpreting music scores from the past, “Strawberry Jam” and “Merriweather Post Pavilion” have established Avey Tare, Geogolist and Panda Bear as iconic explorers of the new century. As well as starting to work on new material, Deakin will come back to the band for the concerts of this year. “Merriweather Post Pavilion” (Domino, 2009)


The release of the magical and impressive “Teen Dream” has only served to
prove what could already be sensed with records like “Beach House” and
“Devotion”. It has to be said that right now the duo Alex Scally and Victoria
Legrand can be proud of being one of the most gifted couples when it
comes to writing memorable songs of hypersensitive dream pop. Now with
Sub Pop after a time with Carpark, the Baltimore band locked itself up in
an old church in New York and transformed the bewitching quality of the
Cocteau Twins into an intense and beautiful album in which guitars,
rhythms and keyboards seem to float on the voices of Legrand and Scally.
And as we saw last December in the Primavera Club, their live performance
takes the audience to another dimension.
“Teen Dream” (Sub Pop, 2010)


Joanna Newson is possibly one of the most praised and venerated
American artists by international critics. Her classical education, her
virtuosity and unconventional way of playing her instrument (the harp) have
made her a rarity in the alternative world and at the same time have
rewarded her with a previously unheard of popularity for this kind of music.
Newson’s compositions do not fit any stereotype and move in a dreamy
dimension somewhere between pop, African music, weird folk and Celtic
In 2011 her shows are presenting “Have One On Me”, a very extensive
triple album that she herself has qualified as her “ 70’s Californian singer
songwriter” album, and the brilliant continuation of her two masterpiece
albums “Ys” and “The Milk-Eyed Mender”.
“Have One On Me” (Drag City, 2010)

With the sound of their performance at the last edition of the San Miguel
Primavera Sound still echoing in our ears and the fact that more than one
person has insisted that they were the indisputable revelation of the
festival, The Suicide Of Western Culture are back, ready to continue
winning points to reach the top of the wildest and harshest of electronic
music. Only one record has made them into one of the most brilliant
surprises of the year and into serious contenders for the Fuck Buttons’
position in the electronic brutality stakes, and all of this without leaving the
outskirts of Barcelona, where this couple of potential hackers are from.
Live they become a trio and their electronic music is a lot like the synthetic
atmospheres of M83 and the rhythmic blasts of Esplendor Geométrico and
Disco Inferno. Armed with all these influences, backed by toy keyboards and second hand pedals and with that superhero luck that state electronic has – their identity is still unknown although as they themselves say, they don’t do much to keep it a secret- they started to make songs in a student hostel in London under the strictest rigours of “do it yourself”. No sooner said than done, the duo came out of that hostel with ten tracks of electric storms and difficult electronic music ringing with the voices of Tortoise, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Flying Saucer Attack. In other words, a home made and lo-fi version of all of the above distorted with demolition beat boxes, keyboards rescued from god knows where and, well, a relentless talent for building walls of dirty, hypnotic and mind-blowing sound.
“The Suicide Of Western Culture” (Regular, 2010)


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