After retiring from her career as a designer and relocating here to Barcelona from London she now spends her time drawing, painting, playing and making things. Her work has been described as ‘two parts European modernism and one part c-word’, and works imagery inspired by popular culture and contemporary iconography to counter against cheeky humour and satiric word-play. She has been featured illustrator in Bcn Mes, and has had numerous commissions since then, her work will be appearing on the front cover this month on 16.06.11. She has also collaborated in a collective project of erotic short stories and illustrations entitled ‘Proposiciones Indecentes’ published by Adicciones Porquesi, which was published in April, and available to buy in selected bookshops in Madrid and Barcelona, and which can be viewed online. Other commissions include commercial logo design and poster ad designs. She is currently holding her second solo exhibition
from where these photos were taken.
